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Рингтон VØJ, Narvent - Memory reboot

25 июл 2023
Все рингтоны: VØJ, Narvent

Скачайте на входящий звонок телефона, бесплатный рингтон в виде самого яркого фрагмента из песни: VØJ, Narvent - Memory reboot. Мелодия доступна бесплатно, в формате MP3.

Farkhod Musulmonov, known professionally as "Narvent", is one of the future electronic music producers. It is characterized by such features as a huge energetic style and a fascinating atmosphere. His songs contain heavy drops with an amazing sound design, the intro is deeper and more majestic
At the moment, he has set a goal to charm a large number of people with his music

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